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Craving Control: How Women Can Manage Emotional Eating

30 August 2023

Do you ever find yourself reaching for a tub of ice cream after a stressful day or munching on chips when you're feeling bored or lonely? 

If so, you're not alone. 

Emotional eating, or the act of turning to food for comfort, distraction, or as a reward rather than in response to physical hunger, is a common struggle for many women, especially those juggling the demands of work and family life.

As an online health and fitness coach, I've worked with countless women who have shared their battles with emotional eating and the negative impact it has had on their self-esteem, health, and weight loss goals. It's disheartening to see how this cycle of stress, eating, and guilt can keep you trapped, making it seem impossible to achieve the healthy lifestyle you desire and deserve.

But there's good news: emotional eating doesn't have to control your life. 

In fact, understanding and addressing this habit can be the secret weapon in your journey toward becoming a happier, healthier, and more confident woman. 

In this blog post, we're going to delve into the complex world of emotional eating, share some real-life stories, and provide practical tips to help you regain control over your cravings.


Emotional Eating is an Unhelpful Coping Mechanism

Think of emotional eating like applying a band-aid to a wound that really needs stitches. The band-aid may temporarily cover the problem, providing a brief moment of relief. But underneath that band-aid, the deeper issue remains unaddressed. Without proper care, the wound might even worsen over time, causing more pain and complications.

Similarly, when we turn to food for comfort during times of stress, boredom, or sadness, we're only applying a temporary solution to our emotional discomfort. Like the band-aid, the soothing effect of food is fleeting. It doesn't address the root cause of our emotional distress. In fact, it often leads us into a vicious cycle of guilt and frustration, exacerbating our initial emotional state.

The key to breaking this cycle is not another band-aid, but 'stitches' - sustainable strategies that address the root causes of emotional eating and offer long-term healing and growth. That's what we're here to explore together.


Understanding Emotional Eating

As a hardworking woman, you're no stranger to stress. And sometimes, those stresses can lead us to seek comfort in the form of food. This is what we call emotional eating. Emotional eating is the act of using food as a coping mechanism for dealing with our emotions, whether it's stress, boredom, loneliness, or even celebration. It's like reaching for a candy bar after a difficult day at work or indulging in a tub of ice cream following a heated argument.

I understand because I studied psychology in college and not only spent 5 years as a woman’s counselor but also as someone who had to overcome my own struggles with emotional eating. 

Now, it's important to understand that emotional eating isn't about physical hunger. Physical hunger comes on gradually, giving your body time to signal that it's time to refuel. It's satisfied once you've eaten enough to fill your stomach. But emotional hunger is different. It comes on suddenly, creating an intense and immediate craving for specific comfort foods. And even when you're full, if you're eating to satisfy emotional hunger, you might find that you still feel hungry.

Common triggers for emotional eating can vary widely among individuals, but for working moms like you, they often include stress, exhaustion, and even the pressure of setting a good example for your children. The demands of balancing work, family, and personal time can leave you feeling overwhelmed and looking for quick relief.

But remember this: emotional eating doesn't solve emotional problems. 

In fact, it usually makes them worse. After the temporary comfort fades, the real issues remain, often accompanied by feelings of guilt for overeating and not sticking to your health goals.

Recognizing the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger is the first step in understanding and managing emotional eating. It's not about perfection, but progress. As we continue this journey together, we'll explore practical strategies to help you navigate these challenging moments and build a healthier relationship with food.


Michelle’s Journey to Overcoming Emotional Eating

I'd like to share with you the story of a woman from the Metabolism & Mindset Reboot System, Michelle, who was once in your shoes. 

As a working mom, Michelle often felt overwhelmed by her responsibilities at home and at work. Running the kids to baseball practices, working at a busy medical office, and trying to keep up with housework (and always feeling behind) meant that her stress & overwhelm was through the roof. 

She found herself turning to food for comfort, especially after stressful days. The cycle of emotional eating and guilt was taking a toll on her health, her self-esteem, and her weight loss goals.

Michelle's journey towards overcoming emotional eating wasn't easy, but her determination was inspiring. Once a part of the MMR System, she began by acknowledging her emotions, becoming more aware of when she was eating out of stress or boredom, rather than physical hunger. This self-awareness was a crucial first step in breaking her cycle of emotional eating.

Next, Michelle started exploring non-food ways to cope with her emotions. When she felt stressed, she would take a few minutes to practice deep breathing exercises or go for a walk around the block. When she felt lonely or bored, she would call a friend or pick up a book instead of reaching for a snack.

Mindful eating strategies also played a big role in Michelle's success. She made a point of eating without distractions, savoring each bite, and listening to her body's signals of fullness. This helped her to enjoy her food more and to eat less overall.

Finally, Michelle made changes to her environment to support her new habits. She stocked her kitchen with high-protein snacks that kept her feeling full and satisfied, and she eliminated her trigger foods - those foods she found hardest to resist when she was feeling emotional.

Michelle's journey was not about deprivation, but about making healthier choices that she could sustain in the long term. It was about learning to cope with her emotions in a way that didn't involve food. And most importantly, it was about regaining control over her life and her health.

Through her hard work and dedication, Michelle was able to break free from the cycle of emotional eating. She feels more confident, has more energy, and is happier than she's been in years. And you know what? You can do it too. You have the power to make positive changes, just like Michelle did. You deserve to feel good about yourself and to live a healthy, fulfilling life.

In the next section, we'll delve deeper into the strategies that helped Michelle overcome emotional eating, so you can start implementing them in your own life.


4 Steps to Combat Emotional Eating

As a working mom, you're constantly juggling responsibilities and it's not surprising that stress often leads to emotional eating. But remember, you're not alone in this struggle, and with some practical strategies, you can regain control over your eating habits. Here are 4 steps to combat emotional eating:


1. Awareness:

The first step to combating emotional eating is awareness. This involves understanding the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger. Physical hunger comes on gradually and can be satisfied with any food, whereas emotional hunger comes on suddenly and craves specific comfort foods.

Practicing mindful eating can help you become more aware of your eating habits. Try to eat without distractions, chew your food slowly, and savor each bite. This will not only help you enjoy your meal more but also allow you to better recognize when you are full.


2. Healthy Coping Strategies:

Emotional eating is often a response to stress or negative emotions. It's crucial to find healthier ways to deal with these feelings. Activities like yoga, meditation, journaling, or even a simple walk can help you manage your stress levels without turning to food for comfort.


3. Mindful Eating:

Mindful eating goes beyond just paying attention while you eat. It involves being in tune with your body's hunger and fullness cues, understanding why you eat, and recognizing how foods affect your mood and health. By practicing mindful eating, you can start to notice patterns and triggers for emotional eating, which is the first step in breaking the cycle.


4. Creating a Supportive Environment:

Finally, your environment plays a significant role in your eating habits. By creating a supportive environment, you set yourself up for success. Keep high-protein snacks readily available for when physical hunger strikes. Remove trigger foods – those that you tend to reach for when you’re stressed or emotional – from your immediate environment.


Overcoming emotional eating is indeed a journey, not a destination. It's about making progress each day and celebrating small victories along the way. It's about learning to listen to your body, understanding your emotions, and finding healthier ways to cope with stress. Remember, it's not about being perfect - it's about becoming a healthier, happier version of yourself.

As you embark on this journey, keep in mind that you're not alone. There are countless other women out there who are facing similar struggles, and there's a whole community of support available to you. There's no shame in seeking help - in fact, reaching out can be one of the most powerful steps you can take toward overcoming emotional eating.

As an online health and fitness coach, I've had the privilege of helping many women just like you navigate this journey. Together, we've celebrated victories, learned from setbacks, and made lasting changes that go far beyond weight loss.

The journey towards overcoming emotional eating may not be easy, but I promise you, it's worth it. Imagine feeling more energized, confident, and in control of your life. Imagine having a healthier relationship with food, where you eat for nourishment and enjoyment, rather than stress or comfort. Imagine setting a positive example for your kids and inspiring them to lead healthier lives too.

These are the outcomes that I want for you, and I believe that you can achieve them. So if you're feeling stuck or overwhelmed, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's work together to create a healthier, happier future for you and the people you love most.

Remember, every step you take towards overcoming emotional eating is a step towards a healthier and happier life. So keep going, keep growing, and remember to celebrate your progress along the way. 

You're doing great, and we're here to support you every step of the way!!


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Lauren Minkoff is an avid writer, certified counselor, and 5+ year women’s empowerment coach. When she’s not working on new projects for the Nourish community, she’s hanging on the beach with her fiance Ty and pups Riley & Rajah. 

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